As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support.
A couple of days ago there was a conversation on #LibraryTwitter about whether or not dress codes had relaxed since returning to work after being at home, in some cases, for well over a year. It felt – to my unscientific mind – like a majority of my colleagues were expected to return to business as usual, which includes a business casual to business wardrobe. This makes absolutely no sense to me. Given that we’ve all just lived through a pandemic, an insurrection, and all sorts of other personal, social, and cultural trauma, the least of anyone’s concerns should be a dress code. I mean, as long as the individual is clean, not wearing anything offensive, or distressed, what’s the problem? People should be allowed to wear what makes them comfortable unless it’s a profession that requires uniforms {hotels, restaurants, etc.}.
JEANS ARE PROFESSIONAL. I’m willing to fight and plant my flag on that hill.
And, yes, I realize this conversation would’ve worked much better with this post, but…
Welcome to Style Imitating Art. Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar {14 Shades of Grey}, Terri {Meadow Tree Style}, and me. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday one of us selects an inspiration image and we each post the image on our blogs. The following Monday we share our art inspired outfits. Participants submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10 PM Tuesday and, that Wednesday, the curator shares all of the submissions on her blog.
For ideas about how this works, please see previous posts by clicking here.
This week’s inspiration piece was chosen by Salazar.
Ellen Terry as Lady MacBeth by John Singer Sargent
Painted in 1899, this oil painting depicts actress, Ellen Terry, dressed as Lady MacBeth from Shakespeare’s play, MacBeth.
The first thing about the inspiration piece that caught my eye was the embroidery because I BIG PUFFY HEART EMBROIDERY. So I knew whatever I wore was going to be embroidered. Funny thing is I don’t have a lot of pieces that are embroidered with metallic threads, but then I remembered this top with its hints of gold and I knew I had a winner. To keep with the peacock hues, I added a teal tank underneath. The jeans reflect the column of color and the sandals are what I imagine Ellen Terry may have worn. Either those or embroidered slippers. I thought my earrings kind of mimicked the crown…
For the record, this is what I wore to work last week, but with black slacks, because we’re only allowed to wear jeans on Fridays. This is the second place I’ve worked where the librarians had a dress code. The last place was in Georgia and it wasn’t a school enforced dress code, but a director enforced one. She required blazers when we taught library sessions and the men had to wear ties every day. Excessive. I ended up buying several leather blazers because rebel…
Have you returned to work? Are y’all back to business as usual or are things a little more relaxed? Leave a comment below.
Visit my cohosts: Salazar at 14 Shades of Grey and Terri and MeadowTree Style. I know you’ll love their interpretations!
Send a picture of your Style Imitating Art inspired outfit to Salazar at by Tuesday, 24 August and she’ll share the submissions on her blog on Wednesday, 25 August.
Embroidered Top – Similar | Earrings –Similar | Bracelets – Similar | Jeans – Similar | Sandals – Similar
Side note wherever you see words in bold italics and a different color, those are clickable links. Those links will either take you to related posts or links for purchase. If you decide to purchase something using those links, I’ll earn a commission at no extra charge to you.
Side note wherever you see words in bold italics and a different color, those are clickable links. Those links will either take you to related posts or links for purchase. If you decide to purchase something using those links, I’ll earn a commission at no extra charge to you.
Now go play in your closet,
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For more stylish inspiration, check out the following linkups:
Where I Co-host
- Ageless Style – Eight women show that style is ageless. Third Thursday of the month.
- Fab Forties – Six bloggers, over the age of forty, show they’re still fabulously fashionable. First Monday of the month.
- Style Imitating Art – Style inspired by pieces of art. Every other week.
Click Here to See Where I Link Up