My babies are graduating from high school today. So this is gonna be a rough one for me. I’ve already shared my words of wisdom with them here and here, but now I’m asking you to help me celebrate my twins’ graduation… Please share your words of wisdom with the graduates in the comments below!
A Letter to Mr. 18 on Your Graduation
My dear sweet boy young man, you were our surprise. As in nine days before you were born, we found out you’d been in there just chillin’ — synching your heartbeat to your sister’s, matching her breath for breath and kick for kick. Never letting on that you were there. As I sat in the NICU staring…
A Letter to Miss 18 on Your Graduation
Munro. I’ve stopped and started writing this so many times that I’ve lost count… I don’t have the words to express the love, pride, and gratitude that I’m feeling right now. You have overcome so much and demonstrated a strength and grace under pressure that can only be attributed to the mercy of God. I…
Advice for Miss 17 Upon Her Graduation
For 17 years, you’ve listened to my “Dos” and “Don’ts”. You’ve shrugged me off at times and, at others, you’ve nodded and agreed. I’ve shared my struggles of single motherhood with you. Walking miles in the hot Louisiana sun because I didn’t have a car or the money for a taxi, just to get…
I Started Crying at the Reference Desk
Earlier this evening there were 4 missed calls on my cell phone, two from my husband and two from Miss 17 as well as a text message that read: “Call Symone!” My heart started to race… I’m at work, what in the heck is so important that it warrants four phone calls and a text?…