Three years ago, I reviewed a book by Lisa Whelchel called Friendship for Grown-ups: What I Missed & Learned Along the Way. Lisa talked about how she was on this show that was all about the strength and support that comes from having close female relationships, yet she was all alone. Lisa’s words spoke to me at that time.…
Witness to Fitness: Pumped Up! Powered Up! All Things are Possible! by Donna Richardson Joyner {Book Tour}
BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) A 28~day program to help you lose weight while you nourish both your body and your soul. In Witness to Fitness, Donna Richardson Joyner brings together faith, food, and fitness in a way no one else has done before. She inspires the reader to follow her on…
Book Review: Jolt!: Get the Jump on a World that’s Constantly Changing by Phil Cooke
BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) In Jolt! television producer, social media guru, and cultural commentator Phil Cooke helps you discover how you can navigate today’s culture of disruption and actually use it to your advantage. You’ll learn that changing a company and changing your life are based on virtually the same key…
Book Review: What to Read When by Pam Allyn
Even though I’m a librarian, I sometimes have trouble finding age appropriate books. Don’t believe me? Then read this post. I mean, I know how to help college students conduct research, I know how to preserve documents and I know how to make early American history relevant to today’s present but sometimes finding a children’s…