I did it. The Big Chop. All of my hair is gone. I’m not sure if it’s liberation or panic that I feel. Probably a little bit of both.
Two years ago, I started transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It wasn’t a political statement, it was more of a I~don’t~feel~like~bending~over~that~tub~to~wash~that~stuff~out~of~my~hair kinda thing. Or call it lazy. Either way, I just didn’t want to do it anymore. So I quit. Transitioning to natural hair wasn’t a difficult process for me. Yeah, I had mixed textures and there were days when I threw on a headband and called it a day. But, for the most part, I was cool. Then I decided I wanted to wear my hair in a sloppy bun on top of my head.
Dual textured hair doesn’t work well for a sloppy bun, so I bought a relaxer. That was it. No thought. No oh em gee I’m about to undo two year’s worth of work. Just straighten, pin up, and go.
I had fun with my hair but I started to miss my curls. And obsessively pinning natural hairstyles on Pinterest didn’t help at all. So Tuesday evening I pulled all of my hair into a ponytail, grabbed the scissors and chopped. You know what? You never realize how much hair you have until you see it on the floor.
So here I sit with my hair closely cropped, enjoying the feel of baby curls as I run my fingers across my head.