Welcome to week three of my Project 52: 2019 Edition. If you’d like to see the prompts that I’m using, read this post.

Anyway, as promised, I’m showing the Straight Out of Camera {SOOC} image too, so you can see what I started with and how it ended.


Week 4 Happiness is {living outside the stacks} #TeamLOTSProject52

Nikon D7500 | 35mm

I was sitting in my office on the floor with the light from the window facing me. I forget the exact camera settings and I accidentally deleted the details when I uploaded the photo. And now that you can see my office, you can see what I mean when I say I need to paint it. I’m just not sure what color… If you have ideas, please share.


Week 4 Happiness is {living outside the stacks} #TeamLOTSProject52

Straightened, cropped, and converted to black and white in Lightroom

Watermark added in PicMonkey

Happiness is:

  • the warmth of my husband’s arms around my waist when I least expect it
  • a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s day
  • the sound of my grandchildren laughing and playing
  • the silly text messages from my kids

What is happiness to you?

If you’re on Instagram, give me a yell and let me know you’re there.

What’s your favorite food?

Happy Snapping,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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