I didn’t get a chance to get out much this week to take any pictures, between doctor’s appointments, household chores and a massive headache, picture~taking was low on the list of priorities. But I did manage to squeeze in a few shots for the April Photo~A~Day Challenge. So much fun…

1. Your Reflection


I edited this old picture of myself using PhotoFunia {such a fun app}. What photography apps do you use? Instagram is now available for Droid users so I’m way over the moon now.

2. Color


Some funky bead bracelets that I rarely wear but enjoy playing with. Seriously, I sit there and roll the beads between my fingers. Am I sharing too much of my crazy?

3. Mail


My mom and I were just talking about the lost art of penmanship and she told me that she saw a news program where students were talking about how they don’t know how to write in cursive because no one has taught them. I know when I taught college, I had many students who only knew how to print. I’d teach them basic cursive because I figured at some point they’d need to sign {not print} their names to a document.

4. Someone Who Makes You Happy

For the most part, my entire family makes me happy but Miss 15 was being particularly charming yesterday so….

Are you participating in the challenge? Where do you post your pictures?

I’m linking up with Deb of deb duty photography for This or That Thursday.