Shoe Style Saturday
I decided to bring it back… Shoe Style Saturday. I just love shoes too much to ignore them.

Today my shoes are supposed to be taking me to choir rehearsal for a sound check but I’m still fighting this stupid cold. Seriously, I’ve been sick off and on since the first week of March, when will this end? So my shoes and I will be spending our day at home, on the sofa with the remote in hand.

Where will your shoes take you today?

To participate in Shoe Style Saturday, all you have to do is

  • take a picture of your shoes
  • post them to your blog
  • leave a comment below letting me know you’re linking up
  • visit other participants and leave some comment love

So, come on and show me your femme fatale flats, those sexy stilettos and pin~up peep toes, yes, even your racy runners.