The Fab Forties is a group of five style bloggers from around the globe who come together once a month to share their common love of fashion. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger, who is also in her forties, to join us. The group’s goal is to take on a style trend and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our lives. Six different ladies, six different styles, you’re sure to find something that inspires you.
The Theme
Our theme: Lord Neon and Lady Animal was selected by Sheela. Our guest co-host is Sam from Fake Fabulous. Scroll down to see Sam’s outfit. And don’t forget to visit my cohosts’ blogs…
I wasn’t sure about this theme. I mean, I haven’t worn neon since I was a teenager in Italy. And, back then, people use to tease me. But, I decided to give it the ol’ college junior high school try… This was my original outfit. The pictures below show my favorite version of theme…
My Outfit
When I decided to wear this outfit, I wasn’t sure how I was going to accessorize. I mean, neon and animal print are kinda bold and don’t really need much more, but I decided to add my deep pink Nickel & Suede earrings. Sometimes, more is more is just right.
I’m still trying to get the hang of the half tuck. I love the look, but I think I end up looking sloppy most of the time and I’m not comfortable tucking in all the way around. Do you have any tips on how to achieve the half tuck without looking like you forgot to finish dressing?
Earrings – Nickel & Suede | Sweater & Jeans – Target | Shoes – Zulily
I’d just finished taking my pictures and it started to drizzle, then it started to pour. Not gonna lie though, I felt like I was bringing all the sun in this sweater.
Guest Co-host
Sam {Fake Fabulous}
Sam’s outfit is oh so chic. I just love the color combination. Sophisticated, no?
My Co-Hosts
Jennie {A Pocketful of Polka Dots}
Sheela {Sheela Writes}
Shelbee {Shelbee on the Edge}
Suzy {Pixie Chick in Portugal}
Suzy’s fuzzy purse, y’all! I absolutely adore it. I like the casual elegance that it brings to her outfit. Cool and effortless chic.
To find out more about my co-hosts’ outfits, click on the blog name above the photograph.
Do you have any neon pieces in your closet? If not, what’re you waiting for? It really is much more flexible than you’d think. If you need some inspiration, check out my Pinterest board.
Now go play in your closet,
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For more stylish inspiration, check out the following linkups:
Where I Co-host
- Ageless Style – First Tuesday of the Month
- Style Imitating Art – Inspiration piece posted on Mondays with the round-up on Wednesdays
Other Linkups
- Not Dead Yet Style – Visible Monday
- Not Dressed as a Lamb – I’ll Wear What I Like
- Style Nudge – Shoe and Tell
- Elegance and Mommyhood – Thursday Moda
- A Pocketful of Polka Dots – Fabulous Friday
Next week’s Style Imitating Art inspiration piece was curated by me. You can see the piece and find out how to participate by clicking here.