For about a year and half, the hubs has been telling me that I need to make something for the house. And each time he says it, I agree and then I pack up whatever project I’ve been working on and I ship it off to a new home. My intent wasn’t to ignore him, it’s just that people would see what I was working on and want it so I’d give it away. But when we moved into our new home and started decorating, I knew I wanted to make something, I just wasn’t sure what. The hubs suggested a blanket for nights when we cuddle on the sofa and watch “The Walking Dead”. Yeah, we’re romantic like that.
Almost immediately, I started mentally going over the different patterns I knew and what I thought would fit with our home. After mulling it over and talking with the hubs, I decided to go with Granny Squares. I wanted the blanket to have a vintage feel, like it’s been around for awhile. Our home has been accessorized with things we’ve found out in antique shops, thrift stores and yard sales so our home has a decidedly eclectic decor…
The colors in our living room are wine, dark teal, cream, and brown; so off we went to the craft store in search of yarn. The hubs suggested that I border everything in black. At first I was like ummmm, no but now that it’s finished I love it. I think it makes the other colors pop.
Do you decorate with handmade items?
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