Monochrome Monday Tony and Daenel {living outside the stacks}

Last year, I started a series called “Life After Kids” in which I shared how The Hubs and I were adjusting to life as empty nesters. A few of you noticed that I’d stopped writing the series and wanted to know why. Well, there aren’t any specific reasons. I just kind of forgot about it because, well, life was happening. What I didn’t realize was that the posts were important/entertaining/informative to you all but to me as well. It was a fun way to document our lives together. And, I miss that.

Monochrome Monday Tony and Daenel {living outside the stacks}

So I’m bringing “Life After Kids” back. cue the cheering crowds I’ll be writing about things like travel, cooking for two, exploring our neighborhood, finding our home style, and other things that I find interesting. I’ve talked to The Hubs and he has agreed to join me and share his perspective. Yay!

There may even be a vlog or two in the mix.

But I’d like your input too. If there’s anything you’d like for me to write about, just let me know. And, if you’re an empty nester, I’d love to hear your survival tips.


Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}





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