Last year, I started a series called “Life After Kids” in which I shared how The Hubs and I were adjusting to life as empty nesters. A few of you noticed that I’d stopped writing the series and wanted to know why. Well, there aren’t any specific reasons. I just kind of forgot about it…
Life After Kids: Freedom
One of the questions I’ve been asked most since all of our kids moved out of the house is “How are you adjusting?” Honestly, the first 45 minutes were pretty rough. That first night, I came home to an empty house, looked at Squeekerz, and cried. The Hubs was in Missouri getting The Boy settled…
Life After Kids: Find a Hobby
“Jazmine’s mom…” I look at the little hand tugging at the hem of my shirt, smile, and respond. For the past 22 years, I’ve been “______’s mom”, “Tony’s wife”, or some variation there of. I will always be their mom and I will always be “Tony’s wife”, but I’m also “Daenel”. Daenel is who I…
Life After Kids: No One Wants Kool-Aid
Someone is always gonna want Kool-Aid. I leaned against the kitchen counter and stared at the four pairs of eyes looking back at me, tears streaming down their little faces, empty cups being shoved at me. I’d had enough of the crying, the fighting, the wanting, the needing… I wanted to run away from home.…
Happy Anniversary: How I Met My Husband {In the Family Room}
Today, the hubs and I are celebrating 19 years of marriage, so I thought it’d be fun to share the story of how I met my husband… The year was 1994, and I was a sweet, innocent little soldier stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana, about to celebrate my 2nd year in the Army. This is…
Coffee Talk {In the Cafe}
Hi, and welcome to Coffee Talk. In case you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And there may be a recipe thrown…
The Wedding {Photography}
A few weeks ago, the hubs and I attended the wedding of a couple from our church. While there, they asked if I could take a couple of pictures for them. Naturally, I said yes and silently thanked God for having me grab my camera on the way out the door. This is the first…
Marriage {Bible Reading Plan Day 3}
SCRIPTURE I Peter 3:1 {NIV} Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if an of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives. OBSERVATION There are two key points for me here: “…submit yourselves to you own husbands…”…
Marriage {Bible Reading Plan Day 2}
SCRIPTURE Ecclesiastes 9:9 {NIV} Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun~ all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labour under the sun. OBSERVATION There is one key point for me: “Enjoy…
Marriage {Bible Reading Plan Day 1}
SCRIPTURE Genesis 2:18 {NIV} And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. OBSERVATION Two things stick out for me from this scripture: “…It is not good that the man should be alone;” ~ God knew that man needed someone…