The Turning Point {In the Church}

When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my family and I walked through the doors of Progressive Church of God in Christ in Colorado; at the end of the service, a group of kids walked up to us and introduced themselves. They were led by a young lady who would become my dearest…

The Power of the Tongue {In the Church}

On Sunday morning we had a guest speaker at our church named Evangelist Rodney Warren. He often speaks at our church in our pastor’s absence and I enjoy listening to him because I always learn something. Which is a good thing because, well, that’s part of the reason why we go to church, right? For the…

Giving Thanks for the Small Things {This or That Thursday}

Sometimes I get so caught up in the big picture that I miss the little things. For example, I took this picture using Instagram because I thought the light coming off the setting sun was just beautiful. In fact, I was so awestruck by the evening sky that I didn’t even notice the lone shopping…

Knowing God by Name {Bible Study}

Today marked the beginning of the second week of the “Knowing God by Name” bible study and I have to say, this has truly been an awe inspiring study. In the first week, we learned the names of God that indicate His deity: YAHWEH ~ LORD {Jehovah, Self~Existent One} ELOHIM ~ GOD {Mighty, Strong, Prominent…