Originally posted: 30 November 2011 Rush rush rush, it always seems like I’m in a hurry to catch up on stuff. That’s my life, 24/7. Whoa, wait! Did I just say 24/7? Yes, I did. And that’s a problem. The Lord tells us in Exodus 20:10 that the seventh day is the Lord’s day and…
He is Risen {In the Church}
Happy Resurrection Sunday! Today I’m happy to proclaim that my redeemer lives. And because He lives, I have the gift of eternal life. This gift can be yours too. To receive it, all you have to do is confess with your mouth and believe with your heart that Jesus is Lord, then you are saved…
No Greater Love {In the Church}
The hubs likes to say “love is not a feeling, it’s an action”; it demands the individual to do something that requires sacrifice on his or her part. Jesus set the example for love when he gave his life for us way back on calvary. John 15:13 says: “Greater love has no one than this:…
The Turning Point {In the Church}
When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my family and I walked through the doors of Progressive Church of God in Christ in Colorado; at the end of the service, a group of kids walked up to us and introduced themselves. They were led by a young lady who would become my dearest…
My God is an Awesome God {In the Church}
When I was a teenager, my favorite adjective for anything I found good, fun, or positive was “awesome”. In fact, I used the word so often that it started to lose its meaning. You know how it is when you eat or drink something so much that it ceases to hold the value it once…
The Greatest Valentine’s Day Gift {In the Church}
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 {KJV} Happy Valentine’s Day, my prayer is that you will accept this most precious gift…
Seeing His Word Clearly {In the Church}
When I was about seven years old, my mom took me to have my vision tested. My teachers had noticed that I was squinting a lot and having a difficult time reading the chalk board. Up until that point, I didn’t realize that I couldn’t see. I seriously thought my issues were due to white…
The Power of the Tongue {In the Church}
On Sunday morning we had a guest speaker at our church named Evangelist Rodney Warren. He often speaks at our church in our pastor’s absence and I enjoy listening to him because I always learn something. Which is a good thing because, well, that’s part of the reason why we go to church, right? For the…
Giving Thanks for the Small Things {This or That Thursday}
Sometimes I get so caught up in the big picture that I miss the little things. For example, I took this picture using Instagram because I thought the light coming off the setting sun was just beautiful. In fact, I was so awestruck by the evening sky that I didn’t even notice the lone shopping…
Knowing God by Name {Bible Study}
Today marked the beginning of the second week of the “Knowing God by Name” bible study and I have to say, this has truly been an awe inspiring study. In the first week, we learned the names of God that indicate His deity: YAHWEH ~ LORD {Jehovah, Self~Existent One} ELOHIM ~ GOD {Mighty, Strong, Prominent…