This or That Thursday {Getting to Know Missouri}

Two days ago, while out driving with Miss 18, I got a little lost and ended up in a town called Burfordville. Burfordville is a sleepy little historic town which boasts one of Missouri’s few remaining covered bridges as well as a mill that was built in 1800, damaged during the Civil War and later…

Facing My Fear of Sharing My Faith #NaBloPoMo

I was terrified to go on DWTS, but facing my fear and overcoming it has been an incredible experience. Have you faced fears and overcome them. ~ Ricki Lake {Guest Prompt} By nature, I’m a relatively shy person. I don’t mind speaking in front of a crowd, I teach American History and I work as…

National Blog Posting Month, I’m Participating

A long long time ago in a country far away, there lived a little girl who dreamed of only one thing, well, she dreamed of a lot of things, but for the purposes of this post, she dreamed of only one thing, to be a writer. Not just any writer but a writer who made…

The Power of Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  At some point, we’ve all heard that nursery rhyme yelled by some kid who’s being bullied on the playground.  In fact, we’ve probably said it ourselves a time or two.  Even as adults.  I know I’ve said it more times than I…

On September 11th and On Every Other Day

I wasn’t sure if I was going to write a remembrance post for today, not because I didn’t want to honor the day but because I wasn’t sure what to say without it sounding trite… So many people’s lives were forever changed on that day ~ lives were lost, people were injured, wars were fought……

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

I was never a Seinfeld fan until it went off the air and I started watching it in syndication.  I just didn’t get it, a show about nothing? Not funny.  I was wrong, it is.  But I digress.  Do you remember the episode where George says if you look angry people will think you’re busy…

The First Day of the New School Year

I’m sitting here in the living room, The Golden Girls playing in the background, knowing I should be in bed sleeping but I can’t.  There’s too much going through my head.  Today is the first day of school for the younger three kids and the day we move the oldest one in to her dorm.…

Saying Goodbye to Pennsylvania

Saying “goodbye” to our home of eight years and looking forward to our new life in Missouri. Pennsylvania has been our home for the last 15 years.  Sometimes I can’t believe it’s been that long.  Sometimes it feels longer.  When we first arrived, Miss 17 was 2 years old, Mr. and Miss 15 weren’t crawling…

Guest Post: My Daughter Shares Her Feelings on Moving

As you may know by now, my family is in the process of moving to Missouri from Pennsylvania.  This whole event has been a whirlwind ~ everything is just going so quickly.  But this move isn’t just happening to us adults, it’s happening to the our kids too.  And, sometimes as parents, we get so…

Shoe Style Saturday

I like trendy things but as a mother of four teenagers who are always eating, I don’t have the money nor the inclination to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of thong sandals. So I was happy when I saw these little bronze cuties as Dollar General the other day. They cost $4!!!! They…