A long long time ago in a country far away, there lived a little girl who dreamed of only one thing, well, she dreamed of a lot of things, but for the purposes of this post, she dreamed of only one thing, to be a writer. Not just any writer but a writer who made a difference, either through laughter or tears or spiritual tugging. That little girl wanted to change the world.

As she grew older, life took over and the strong words of conviction that the little girl so desperately wanted to share with the world were replaced with teenage grunts and, later, parental shouts of “No” and “Stop it!” The typewriter was pushed aside and the dream became a distant memory. The only time it was remembered was when someone from my past would exclaim upon discovering that I’m a wife and mom, “What?! You’re not living in some foreign country writing reports of political upheaval?” Nope, I’m living in suburban America, signing permission slips.

So here I sit, in my living room, wondering if there’s still time for me to make a difference, to reach people through my words… Is my voice still here? If it’s lost, can I recover it?

For the month of November that’s exactly what I plan to find out. I will be participating in National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), a challenge for bloggers to post daily. Usually, there’s a theme assigned to the challenge but this month there is no theme, bloggers are asked to simply write for the sake of writing.

To participate all you have to do is:

  1. be a blogger
  2. go here to sign up
  3. grab the badge from here

Easy, right? You can also check out other bloggers who’re participating in NaBloPoMo by going here.

Some of the benefits of participating in NaBloPoMo:

  1. Writing daily sharpens your skills
  2. Increased visibility of your blog through syndication on BlogHer
  3. Daily prizes for bloggers who are listed on the blogroll:
  • Monday – BlogHer ’12 conference pass
  • Tuesday – Book from Penguin Publishing
  • Wednesday – $50 Visa gift card
  • Thursday – Book from Penguin Publishing
  • Friday – Melissa Ford’s Life From Scratch (a novel about blogging)
  • Saturday – Susan Getgood’s Professional Blogging for Dummies (a book about blogging)
  • Sunday – Eden Kennedy and Alice Bradley’s Let’s Panic About Babies!

Will you be participating in NaBloPoMo? If so, leave a comment below with a link to your blog so I can check out your posts.