Horses in Spring

I love horses. Not as much as I love monkeys though. But I do love horses. The funny thing is I’ve never been close enough to one to touch it. But given the chance? Not only would I touch it, but I’d beg for lessons and go for a ride. But, I don’t see that…

Monochrome Monday: Kodak JR.

Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 100 | f/2 | 1/60 ss Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 560 | f/2.8 | 1/60 ss Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 2500 | f/2.8 | 1/320 ss Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 320…

Monochrome Monday: Porch Licking Squirrel

Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 280 | f/1.8 | 1/200 ss Edited with PicMonkey There’s something very odd about the critters here in Georgia!         Follow Living Outside the Stacks on Bloglovin’!

My Week on Instagram {5/52}

You guys, this has been quite the weekend! Our house is officially on the market, the magazine article about me came out, and I got a Fitbit. OK, the last one may not seem like a big deal to you but it is to me. My weight has gotten out of control. I know I’ve…

My One Word for 2015

I’ve often said that I have the focus of a monkey caught in a tornado. My brain never really shuts down completely. Even when I’m sleeping, I’m thinking about things I need to do the next day: send an email to this person, follow up on a project with that person, tackle the handbook that’s…

#FMSPHOTOADAY on Instagram: Day 6 to Day 12

Hi! How’re you guys doing? Are you ready for another week? I am and I’m not. Now that I’ve announced that we’re moving, I’m so ready to get on with it, you know? This is gonna be the longest 7 months ever… Day 12: {L is for…} Lipstick. This is the last of my favorite…

Blogtober 2014: Introduction

First and foremost, I’m a Jesus lover. I have the research skills of a librarian, the preservation skills of an archivist, the organizational skills of a soldier, and the domestic skills of a Stepford wife. I take pictures of coffee, love monkeys, and celebrate my family. So don’t be a lurker, introduce yourself in the…

#FMSPHOTOADAY on Instagram

Hi, friends! How’re you doing? I’m doing well. The kids came home to celebrate Twin A’s and B’s 19th birthday. Nineteen, y’all! It was so nice having everyone home. Even Squeekerz was in an abnormally mellow mood. This is what happened when I said “Hey, Guys, I need a group picture.” They’re so silly. Instead of…

Coffee Talk: Memories, Delusions, Apes, and More

Hi, and welcome to Coffee Talk. In case you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And, who knows, there may even be…

How to Watermark Your Images for Instagram

Let me start off by saying, I don’t watermark everything. Not every picture that I take needs/deserves to be watermarked. Do you really think anyone is going to steal that fuzzy picture of my big toe sticking out of my sock? I think not. I only watermark those images that I want protected or that I see…