It’s been a long time since I’ve just shared a random photo, so I thought I’d dig through my archives and see what I could find… And this guy appeared. My daughter says I have the most random encounters with the weirdest animals – especially squirrels {remember the porch licker?}. BEFORE Nikon D7500 | 200mm…
Monochrome Monday: Porch Licking Squirrel
Nikon D3100 | Nikkor 35mm f/1:1.8G lens | ISO 280 | f/1.8 | 1/200 ss Edited with PicMonkey There’s something very odd about the critters here in Georgia! Follow Living Outside the Stacks on Bloglovin’!
Coffee Talk {In the Cafe}
1. It’s no secret that I absolutely positively hate birds and cats. Birds because they fly over head and are, um, inconsiderate. And cats because of that jumping thing they do. Well, I’ve found out that I’m in good company. Apparently Zach Randolph of the Grizzlies hates cats too. Fist bump, dude, they are some…
New Family Member {This or That Thursday}
A few weeks ago, our beloved dog, Squeekerz, ran away from home. To say the kids and I were devastated would be an understatement. For days, the kids and I would go outside calling his name, every time I drove to work, I’d look out my window to see if I saw him roaming the…
Lazy L Safari Park {Getting to Know Missouri}
When it comes to going on adventures, Miss 15 is the ring leader. While the rest of us may be content to kick back and do absolutely nothing for a day, she’s raring to go… And Saturday morning was no exception, at her prodding, the hubs, the girls and I headed out to the Lazy…
Crazy Days of Summer: Critters
My dog left his Beggin’ Strip outside and a chipmunk pilfered it These little guys hatched right outside my front door… Our dog, Squeekerz, a Chihuahua and Jack Russell Terrier mix Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge is hosted by Alicia of Project Alicia and Kristi oflive and love…out loud. It will run from 3 June to…