Classes start on Monday and I’m ready for it. Granted, I’m not a student, so my path is a little easier. I always look forward to the beginning of the school year, the students are all lively and full of hope and promise. The energy is palpable — I love it. With that being said,…
Things Happened While I Was Disconnected
So much has happened in the last week and a half that I’ve been disconnected. Most of it’s been good, some of it’s been bad and the rest has been seriously? I had planned to write out a post for each and every thing that happened but decided against it. You know, for my own…
Imagine a World With None of That
Have you ever been inside so long that you’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin? To hear the sound of birds singing? To smell the dirty comforting scent of grass? Well, that’s how I was last week during my switch from evening shift to day…
Coffee Bars in the High School
A few months ago, I noticed that my kids were running around the house collecting any loose coins that they found lying around on the tables, in the car, etc. This didn’t bother me, I thought maybe they were being industrious and trying to save money, after all, they know that my husband and I…