Yay! The View is back and they have a week’s worth of Hot Topics to discuss. I am so ready…except for one thing, can we please stop talking about Tiger Woods? There are other topics that are much more interesting… Ok, moving on… Please… I hope...
Hot Topic
The Catholic Church and the Pedophile Scandal
This entire thing has made me so incredibly sick. I think we have gotten to the point where everyone from the Pope on down needs to be held accountable for what has happened to the millions of children who have been molested/abused by priests or nuns. Whoopi stated that the Pope needs to come out and state adamantly that what happened to the children and the actions of the priests are wrong. Yes! This is a blight on the church and on the face of Christianity as a whole. How can people who say that they stand for God and for family, sit by and allow the abuse of children?
The fact that priests are receiving immunity and are allowed to continue to cover for each other has my blood boiling. If you or I knew about a crime and then covered it up, we would be held accountable. When does the protection and safety of our children trump position?
The women brought up Bill Donohue who said the pedophilia case points to a larger issue of homosexuality within the Church. I do not believe the issue of homosexuality has anything to do with the issue of pedophilia, therefore, I think the issues need to be kept separate. And the first thing that needs to be dealt with is how do we get justice for those children who were abused by the priests? Although nothing can ever return their innocence, the Church could do much by acknowledging the problem, apologizing for the cover ups and then handing over the perpetrators for punishment. The problem with the Catholic church extends beyond a few priests who “did something bad” into a pathology that needs to be wiped out from the top down.