Happy Wednesday! I hope you guys had a great Labor Day Weekend. I did, I got to see my twin sister and her family. Two days. In a row. By accident. The first trip to Nashville was on purpose, as in we fully intended to surprise her by just showing up at her front door. Which we kinda did. We ended up giving her a head’s up, ’cause, you know, driving 3 hours and then finding out she wasn’t home wouldn’t have been cool. That night as we were driving home, we realized that I had her boots and her stroller in my car, so we turned around the next morning and drove back to her house to return them. Crazy, no?
I don’t have any pictures from our visit because we were so busy talking and laughing that I forgot to whip out my camera. sad panda But trust me when I say we both looked incredibly cute. And so did her kids.
The ladies at work are always talking about how I seem to have a lot of cute clothes and I tell them that they could have the same wardrobe, all it takes is $20. Every pay day, I take a little cash and head over to the thrift shop and peruse the skirts. Have I mentioned how much I’m digging skirts? I figure I work hard for my money, I deserve to get a little something something for myself.
I know thrift shopping isn’t for everyone but I enjoy it. I like clothes, shoes, and handbags, but my taste changes so much that I don’t want to spend a fortune on something I may not like in a few months. I also figure if something is in good condition then why not? And whoever is donating to our thrift shop has incredibly good taste and is making me oh so very happy.
Do you shop at second hand stores? Do you tell people?