June 10 on the 10th {living outside the stacks}

Hey, Friends! How’s it going? Things are going well over here. I spent the day prepping for a photography project for the coming week. Our college is co-hosting a manufacturing camp for high school students, and I’m taking pictures for the event. Normally, I simply take pictures for our college, but tomorrow, I’ll also be taking pictures for one of our community partners. The photographer who was originally scheduled to take pictures couldn’t make it, so I’m filling in for him. These assignments always excite me because it gives me an opportunity to stretch my photography muscles, but I also stress because I’m filling in for a photographer who has his own business. I always worry that my images won’t be good enough. Fortunately, I have worked with this photographer and this community business before, so things should go smoothly. All my gear is packed and ready to go. I’ll try to post a few pictures on Instagram, so make sure you’re following me there.


10 on the 10th is hosted by Marsha at Marsha in the Middle. In the tradition of old school blogging, she’ll share a list of ten questions or prompts to help us get to know each other better. The linkup goes live on the tenth of the month.

THE PROMPT: Would you rather…

June 10 on the 10th Prompt {living outside the stacks}

  1. Would you rather go camping in a camper (your pick on the style) or stay at a five star resort?
    Many years ago, The Hubs and I bought an RV and we loved it. We’d travel to small towns, visit museums and historic sites, shop in antique malls… Notice the theme? We really enjoyed it. And, honestly, I got my best sleep while in the RV. Hopefully, we’ll get a new one {the old one was damaged in an accident}. That being said, I’d love to get another RV, but I want a vintage Airstream. They’re absolutely gorgeous! I love that vintage feel – Midcentury Modern, ya know? I toured a refurbished one about a year ago and fell madly deeply in love. It felt like home.
  2. Would you rather watch a movie in the backyard of a good friend’s house or go to your favorite band’s concert with your worst enemy?
    I love love love Prince and, if he were still alive, I’d walk down the street arm in arm with my worst enemy to watch him perform. He was a musical genius with the kindest heart — I love that he supported libraries.
  3. Would you rather have chub rub because you forgot your protective gear or a big blister on your heel because you’re wearing cute but new shoes?
    Goodness knows I love a cute shoe. And I will suffer for fabulous footwear. Or, at least, I used to. Nowadays, I’m a little more focused on comfort, but, for the right occasion, I’ll chance a blister.
  4. Would you rather meet your great-great grandparent or or your great-great grandchild?
    I’ve met my grandchildren and they are wonderful little people — talented, smart, and incredibly funny — so I can only imagine their children would be even more so. That being said, the historian in me would absolutely love to have the opportunity to talk to my great-great grandparent. There are so many questions I have. I’ve done a deep dive on Ancestry.com and have traced our family back as far as my great-great grandmother, Kattorah Irwin {1869-1930}, on my father’s side.
    Kattorah Irwin {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on InstagramMeet Kitty {according to documents, that was her nickname}. If I’d known her name when I had my children, we’d have a Kitty with us right now. Doesn’t she look stylish? The lace, the stripes, the many buttons. I just love this dress. And don’t get me started on her hat. So good.  I’d love to know what she was thinking when this picture was made. She looks to be relatively young in this picture, maybe her twenties or thirties… Can you imagine what life must’ve been like for an African American woman in Tennessee in the late 1890s/early 1900s?
    Wynona Brabson {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on InstagramThis is a picture of my great grandmother, Wynona Brabson, with my grandma, Martha, as a young girl. The younger girls are my grandma’s sisters. As you can tell, style runs in my family. Side note: we’d also have a Wynona because I loooove her name too. I never thought I looked like my grandma until I came across this picture. I’ve always been told I favor my mom, so it’s weird to see the similarities in my face and my paternal grandma’s.
    Martha Vaughn {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on Instagram
    This is my grandma, Martha. Isn’t she beautiful? I lived with her briefly when I was a kid. She used to spend as much as free time as possible in her garden. I remember her digging in the dirt, taking our food scraps out to her compost heap, ooohing and aaahhhing over worms… LOL Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her green thumb, although, I did inherit her love of plants, as did my dad {he had house plants at every home we lived in}. She was also a serious coffee drinker. In fact, whenever I drink a cup, I think of her and her percolator.
    Grandma and Me {living outside the stacks} Follow @DaenelT on InstagramAnd, a side by side of Grandma and me.
  5. Would you rather be hot and sweaty in the humid outdoors or cold and shivering in an overly air conditioned room?
    I haaaaaaaaate being cold. And it takes a lot for me to get hot, so I’ll go with hot and humid outdoors. In fact, I keep my office at work around 75º at work. Everyone always talks about how hot it is, but I’m comfortable. My office, my rules.
  6. Would you rather eat a melted candy bar or a cold slice of pizza?
    Cold pizza is life. There are few things better than grabbing a slice of pizza with everything on it straight outta the refrigerator and munching on it.
  7. Would you rather go for a day without access to any social media or emails or would you rather have to remain on social media all day long?
    Not only do I manage my personal social media, but I manage the accounts for my college as well, that means that I’m on just about 24/7. I would love to have a day when my phone isn’t pinging and demanding my attention.
  8. Would you rather dress like a person from the 1950s or the 2050s?
    There’s something about 1950s fashions. The fitted bodice and flared skirt with pumps? Yes, please. And pearls. And polka dots!!!
  9. Would you rather eat ice cream covered in pizza sauce or a pizza covered in chocolate sauce?
    Why are we desecrating pizza?
  10. Would you rather fly like Superman or swim like Aquaman?
    Can I have an invisible helicopter like Wonder Woman? Or her lasso of truth? Thanks to Instagram, I don’t want to go anywhere near open bodies of water. Have you seen some of those sea creatures? Creepy!

I’d love to read your answers to a couple of these questions, please share in the comments below.


As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support.


Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you like what you read, please consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share on Pinterest. While I pay for many of the items I share on this blog out of my own pocket, some items are gifted to me {I always disclose those items}.

Come back soon,

Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}




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