
I know it’s hard to believe, but I truly hate being late. You know, given that I’m always late with these posts. But life always seems to get in the way of my fun stuff. I really need to find a better balance. Do you have any tips?


10 on the 10th is hosted by Marsha at Marsha in the Middle. In the tradition of old school blogging, she’ll share a list of ten questions or prompts to help us get to know each other better. The linkup goes live on the tenth of the month.

THE PROMPT: Vacation

  1. Are you planning to take a vacation anytime soon? Please share!
    I don’t think we’re planning any vacations anytime soon. The Hubs just started a new job {even though it’s work from home}, but life just isn’t conducive to vacation taking right now. We used to have an RV that we’d take out on the weekends. That was so much fun. I didn’t think I’d like it but, y’all, I got some of my best rest on those trips. You can see some of the pictures from those trips here.
  2. Have you recently gone on vacation? Tell us all about it!
    A few weeks back, The Hubs and I went to Georgia to see our youngest daughter graduate with her master’s. I didn’t take any pictures of the drive down and back but I did take some pictures of my kid. You can see them here.
  3. What is your favorite way to travel?
    I prefer to travel to by car because I like watching the scenery and having the ability to stop and take pictures of unusual sights. I know I say this often, but I’m a librarian at a local community college and I travel between campuses, to visit the students and offer library support. Sometimes, while driving I see things like the one below:

    You can see more pictures on Instagram

  4. If money were no object, where would you go and why?
    I used to think I’d travel to Europe. I grew up in Italy and thought I’d like to take my family there to see the area, but now? I think it’s changed so much that it wouldn’t be fun for me. Now I don’t know… I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise to an island. Cruising would be relaxing. I think.
  5. Who would be your favorite person {living or dead} to take on vacation?
    I’d love to take The Hubs and our kids on vacation. They’re all adults and have lives of their own, but I think it’d be amazing to just hang out with them and do absolutely nothing for a couple of days.
  6. What do you absolutely have to pack when you go on vacation?
    My camera is a must. Whenever The Hubs and I start talking about doing something or going somewhere, I immediately put my batteries on their charges and pack up my gear. That is also why I’ve walked off and left my batteries on the chargers. LOL
  7. What are your memories of your all time favorite vacation?
    One of my favorite vacations was when a trip The Hubs and I took with the kids to St. Augustine, Florida. It turns out the kids are not beach people but they are museum people. We still had fun though.
  8. Where would you never go on vacation and why?
    Hmmm, I’m not sure. I used to want to go to Madagascar. I wouldn’t go there now. So that’s my answer.
  9. What is the worst thing you ever experienced on vacation?
    I don’t think I’ve had a bad experience on vacation. Well, there was the one time that we were going to attend a friend’s wedding and I broke out in hives. At the wedding. So we ended up missing the reception.
  10. What is the best thing that ever happened to you on vacation?
    The best thing to ever happen on vacation was that I got a goodnight’s sleep.

I’d love to read your answers to a couple of these questions, please share in the comments below.


Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you like what you read, please consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share on Pinterest. While I pay for many of the items I share on this blog out of my own pocket, some items are gifted to me {I always disclose those items}.


Daenel T {Living Outside the Stacks}






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