Hi. I hope you’ve had a great week so far. Things have been OK on my side. Not gonna lie, I’m so over this weather. One day it’s almost summer and the next it’s like winter is having a second life. I can’t deal. I wasn’t made for rollercoasters, especially when it comes to temps.
On a positive note, I’m down 6 lbs. Yay! A few months ago, I was told that I’m pre-diabetic and need to lose some weight. I knew I was over my weight limit, but hearing that I’m pre-diabetic was a little jarring.
My granddad had diabetes and I remember watching him stick himself with the needle and – gah – I just don’t want that… So I joined a weight loss program through my insurance company and was initially frustrated because it seemed like no matter what I did, the scale just wouldn’t budge.
Then a co-worker asked me if I’d do the Heart Walk with her and, of course, I said yes. So she, I, and a couple of other coworkers started working out together and things finally started happening. I’m beyond thrilled. I mean, who knew I just needed to work out with people instead of by myself. Actually, I think it’s because they’re pushing me to do more and work harder… And I’m really focused on eating right.
And, yes, I do realize that my pie making probably isn’t helping but I figure one pie per month isn’t gonna hurt me. Especially since I’m not eating the whole thing myself.
Anyway, for the real reason you stopped by…
Have you tried the Nickel & Suede leather earrings? I’m totally addicted now. I usually buy the earring of the month because they’re on sale, but every now and then I’ll splurge and get a regularly priced pair. Honestly, they’re so lightweight that I sometimes forget I’m wearing them. If you’re wondering, I always buy the mediums.
How cute are these shoes? I think I’ve mentioned before that I love clogs, and these are perfect. They’re not a traditional clog, which makes them a little more funky. And the two tone makes them a bit more versatile. I need to pair them with a dress and tights, don’t you think?
I’ve worn the extender and the tunic before, you can see them here and here. I love the extender for adding a bit of texture and interest to my outfits and the shoes are just plain ol’ fun to wear.
Black Cardigan – Similar | Gray Tunic – Umgee {Similar} | Lace Extender – Similar | Black Skinny Pants – Similar | Shoes – Journey Collection {Similar}
Do you wear extenders under your tops? If not, would you?
Now go play in your closet,
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For more stylish inspiration, check out the following linkups:
Where I Co-host
- Ageless Style – Ten women, over the age of forty, prove that style is ageless
- Fab Forties – Six bloggers, over the age of forty, show they’re still fabulously fashionable
- Style Imitating Art – Style inspired by pieces of art
Other Linkups
- Not Dead Yet Style – Visible Monday
- Not Dressed as a Lamb – I’ll Wear What I Like
- Style Nudge – Shoe and Tell
- Elegance and Mommyhood – Thursday Moda
- A Pocketful of Polka Dots – Fabulous Friday