Modern Design Tungsten Ring Review {Living Outside the Stacks}

About three weeks ago, I bought the hubs a Tungsten bracelet. It was something that I didn’t think he’d pick for himself but something that I thought he’d like because, well, it’s different from anything else he owns.

When I presented him with the bracelet, he was genuinely surprised and, more importantly, totally “in like” with it. So we started searching for a Tungsten ring…

A few days later, I was contacted by Modern Design, Inc. with the opportunity to review a Tungsten ring. Seriously, is that not the best timing ever? I immediately called up the hubs and asked if he was game. Of course, he said “yes”.

The first thing we did was go to the website and start perusing the different styles. We went back and forth on which one to pick; the hubs taste leans towards the classic, while mine is more eclectic. We finally settled on a thick cigar style band.

Modern Design Tungsten Ring Review {Living Outside the Stacks}

Since the hubs is the one who’s wearing the ring, this is a couple’s review. ;-)


  • Good width
  • Nice shine
  • Well made
  • Size is perfect, “may even fit better than my wedding ring”
  • Reasonably priced
  • “So many nice rings that it was hard to choose”
  • Ordering process was incredibly easy


  • Although some people may have to get used to the extra weight of the Tungsten, my husband actually liked it. He said it made the ring feel “more substantial.”

Have you ever heard of Modern Design? They have a wide selection of rings for both men and women. I recommend you check them out, especially if you’re looking for something unique.

Daenel T





Disclosure: I received a free Tungsten Ring from Modern Design, Inc. for the purposes of review. This did not influence my opinion at all.