My Home Office

When we first moved to our new house, I’d planned to make my office upstairs but Squeekerz had other ideas. He’ll be 18 this year and going up and down the stairs is incredibly difficult for him. For the first few months, I carried him upstairs whenever I needed to work, but – if you…

Week 5: Nature

Welcome to week five of my Project 52: 2019 Edition. If you’d like to see the prompts that I’m using, read this post. Anyway, as promised, I’m showing the Straight Out of Camera {SOOC} image too, so you can see what I started with and how it ended. SOOC Nikon D7500 | 35mm | f…

Week 5: Rule of Thirds

Welcome to week five of my Project 52: 2019 Edition. If you’d like to see the prompts that I’m using, read this post. Anyway, as promised, I’m showing the Straight Out of Camera {SOOC} image too, so you can see what I started with and how it ended. SOOC Nikon D7500 | 35mm |f /1.8…

Week 4: Happiness Is…

Welcome to week three of my Project 52: 2019 Edition. If you’d like to see the prompts that I’m using, read this post. Anyway, as promised, I’m showing the Straight Out of Camera {SOOC} image too, so you can see what I started with and how it ended. SOOC Nikon D7500 | 35mm I was…

Week 1: In the Beginning

So, this is it. The first photo for my Project 52: 2019 Edition. If you’d like to see the prompts that I’m using, read this post. You’ll also see some of my plans for 2019. I didn’t set a lot of goals, just a few to help me grow spiritually and creatively. Anyway, as promised,…

What I Shot…

It’s been a long time since I’ve just shared a random photo, so I thought I’d dig through my archives and see what I could find… And this guy appeared. My daughter says I have the most random encounters with the weirdest animals – especially squirrels {remember the porch licker?}. BEFORE Nikon D7500 | 200mm…

Week 19: Magnolia Flower

Week 19: Magnolia Flower Edited Edited in PicMonkey and Lightroom 2018 saw the introduction of a new 52 week photography project, which has me totally excited. This year I want to really step out creatively and learn/practice new skills. I’d also really like to do more than just make photos of my morning coffee, although…

Week 18: In the Library

Week 18: In the Library Edited Edited in PicMonkey and Lightroom 2018 saw the introduction of a new 52 week photography project, which has me totally excited. This year I want to really step out creatively and learn/practice new skills. I’d also really like to do more than just make photos of my morning coffee,…

Week 17: Squeekerz

Week 17: Squeekerz Edited Edited in PicMonkey and Lightroom 2018 saw the introduction of a new 52 week photography project, which has me totally excited. This year I want to really step out creatively and learn/practice new skills. I’d also really like to do more than just make photos of my morning coffee, although I…

Week 16: Black and White

Week 16: Black and White Edited Edited in Picmonkey: cropped the image and used an original preset to create a moody look 2018 saw the introduction of a new 52 week photography project, which has me totally excited. This year I want to really step out creatively and learn/practice new skills. I’d also really like…