Happy #FistBumpFriday

  HAPPY #FISTBUMPFRIDAY Everyone who doesn’t have a pandemic puppy raise your hand. *keeps hand down* Yep, we adopted a dog last week and her name is Lola. Now that I’m back at work on a regular basis, I thought Bleu would like some company during the day. Bleu is all crickets chirping. I mean,…

Fab Forties: Inspired by Air

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. We  have a…

Happy #FistBumpFriday

HAPPY #FISTBUMPFRIDAY Do you remember {in the before times} when I used to do a little something called #FistBumpFriday? I didn’t start it, but I certainly had fun with it. It was a way for us to share a bit of happiness in a world that seemed full of everything but… I don’t know why…

Where Bloggers Live: My Favorite Books

Hey, y’all, hey! I hope you had a relaxing holiday weekend. We did. The Hubs and I went to Mississippi to visit my family. I didn’t take many pictures, but you can see the few that I did take on Instagram. Mostly, this trip was about making sure my parents are doing OK. And they…

Fab Forties: Inspired by Fire

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. I want to…

Where Bloggers Live: How I Organize

Hi. It’s so appropriate that I’m writing a post about organization on the morning that it’s due even though I’ve had moooooonths of notice. sigh I just can’t seem to get my blogging life together. Especially now. We’re on our summer schedule at work {4 ten-hour days}, so by the time I get home the…

Fab Forties: Inspired by Earth

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. I want to…

Attending a Virtual Birthday Celebration with a Fellow Blogger

I’m screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY to fellow blogger, Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood! Y’all, it has been so long since I’ve attended a party. Even before COVID… I’m really quite shy and will accept invitations and then bail at the last minute. So, thank goodness for virtual parties, am I right? *nervous giggle* I’m so not…

Fab Forties: April Showers

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. Hey, y’all, hey!…

Fab Forties: Birds of a Feather

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. The last time…