My camera goes just about everywhere I go. I think that’s probably the most important thing that I’ve learned in the past few months that I’ve been reading photography blogs. I’ve also learned that I should practice taking my camera out of Auto and try shooting in Manual (not easy when you have no idea what all those little numbers and letters mean) but, fortunately, there are some incredible tutorials out there.
I can’t afford to take photography classes right now, so I have to rely on tips and tricks from the interwebs. Therefore, I need something that’s written in plain English and with step~by~step instructions and explanations and these five blogs fit the bill perfectly:
- Bumbles and Light ~ Not only are Rebecca’s photographs beautiful but I like that she reminds us that we also need to be present and put the camera down sometimes.
- Digital Photography School ~ They offer great tutorials, photography challenges and product reviews.
- I Heart Faces ~ The weekly challenges are fun and the tutorials are worth their weight in gold (easy to read and understand, even for a novice like me).
- Life with My 3 Boybarians ~ I love the softness (sorry don’t know the technical term for it) of Darcy’s photographs. Beginning 1 January, my plan is to follow her 31 Day Photo Series.
- Mist and Lilies ~ Shauna offers great tips and beautiful photography. Seriously, I could just stare at her pictures all day long.
Do you read any photography blogs? Can you offer some suggestions for making my photographs better?