So are you all enjoying this challenge so far? I know I am. I’m learning so much from looking at the photographs that all of you have shared (and your tips and tricks have been invaluable). I think the main thing I’ve learned is always have my camera ready, because I never know when a picture~taking opportunity might occur…

Last week, after picking up Miss 18 from school, we decided to visit the local conservation center just to see what they had… Oh my gosh, it was beautiful and crazy at the same time. There were all sorts of animals on display along with information about the indigenous peoples and how they used to live. Fortunately, I had my camera on me and I was able to take some pictures, which I posted here. These are just a couple that I took during the day that met today’s theme:
Red Berries

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge: Red

On a second visit with my two younger daughters (you can see those pictures here), I took the following pictures of some pretty red leaves:

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge: Red

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

Lastly, I took these pictures in my backyard. Again, it amazes me the treasures I find when I’m not really looking:

Shade of Autumn Photo Challenge: Red

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

The collage is just a collection of pictures that met the challenge. The little boy in the corner is my nephew, doesn’t he have such attitude? I took that picture of him over the summer when the kids and I were traveling from Pennsylvania to Missouri.

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge: Red


The Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge is hosted by Alicia atProject Alicia, Kristi at live and love…out loud and Rebecca atBumbles & Light. There’s also a flickr group and a Pinterest board for those of you who are looking for some photographic inspiration…

The themes are:

7 ~ Green
14 ~ Yellow
21 ~ Orange
28 ~ Red

4 ~ Purple
11 ~ Brown
18 ~ White
25 ~ Shades of Autumn Finale

To participate:

Share your favorite images inspired by the Autumn shade of the week each Friday. Your image must contain at least 50% of the color of the week; the autumn shade should be the main focus of your photograph. Selective coloring is discouraged.

Images can either be linked through your Shades of Autumn blog post or to a picture on Flickr (please do not just link to your blog’s homepage). You can also add your pictures to the Shades of Autumn Flickr Group.

Don’t forget to hit the linky, it’ll be open from 12:01 AM Friday to 11:59 PM Wednesday, and grab the badge.