Hi, and welcome to Coffee Talk. In case you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stories that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head and asking “What the what?” to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever and make…
Things That Leave Me Scratchin’ My Head {Coffee Talk}
1. So George Zimmerman’s defense team released the video of his re~enactment of the events surrounding the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, and I’ve heard that this may be the thing that gets him acquitted because it shows self defense. Ummm, what? NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED HAD HE STAYED HIS TAIL IN THE…
Teach Your Kids to Control Their Anger {In the Family Room}
A few days ago, I read a story about a 6~year~old girl in Georgia who was handcuffed by a police officer because she was throwing a temper tantrum in the principal’s office. You can read the full story by going here. Apparently, her tantrum included screaming, pulling items off the wall and knocking over a…
I Hope You Have One Just Like You…
I don’t know about y’all but I grew up in one of those households where kids and parents had a “distant” relationship. We knew that our parents loved us but we weren’t what you’d call “friends.” There was respect and a healthy amount of fear(I think my mom had eyes in the back of her…
Is This Bad Parenting or Just Kids Being Kids?
I watched this video of the Masche sextuplets on the Today Show and I was absolutely floored. Fa~loored! Those kids were absolutely positively out of control and the parents weren’t doing anything to stop it. You’ve got little boy standing behind Natalie Morales in the chair swinging at the other kid and hitting her in…