Coffee Talk {Living Outside the Stacks}1. I guess judges are getting tired of people doing dumb stuff and making taxpayers for their stupidity, so they’re finding creative ways to punish them. A Cleveland Municipal judge ordered a woman to stand at an intersection holding a sign that read: “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus.” Yes, you read that right. That woman drove on the sidewalk to pass a bus that was unloading children.  Shaking my head

2. When I first read that some people were so salty over the elections that they filed petitions to secede from the union, I thought it was just another crazy Facebook meme until I read about them on the Washington Post website. Y’all seriously? Let me tell you something about this great country of ours… This is a democracy, the people speak every 4 years. The people chose to re~elect President Obama, so you deal. And in 4 years, when you get another chance at the White House, present a stronger message! Second, this is a free country. No one is holding you hostage. If you don’t like it, leave and go to one of those countries where you’re not free to voice an opinion or pick who governs you. For the record, this would be my opinion regardless of who’s sitting in the White House.

3. I know pregnancy makes you crazy… I once dreamed that ginormous Power Rangers chased me and the hubs into a church. The pink one ripped the roof off the building, picked the hubs up and ate him. But this lady takes crazy pregnant lady to a whole new level: an Arizona woman was so upset when she found out that her husband didn’t vote that she ran over her husband with her SUV. Her fear? That President Obama’s re~election will bring hardship to her family. Oy! I guess in the grand scheme of things, secession makes so much more sense and murder is much easier than divorce.

4. I love a deal. No, I really love a good deal and will share info about a great deal with anyone who’ll listen. But I love spending time with my family even more. And I’m almost positive that other people love deals and spending time with their families just as much as I do.  So why is it that a certain segment of our population is being denied the right to spend time with their families because people have decided that Black Friday deals should begin on Thanksgiving evening? What the heck? Are you seriously telling me that people cannot wait until Friday morning to begin Black Friday shopping? Thanksgiving is supposed to be about spending time with loved ones, not going out and trying to kill yourself to buy a $20 discounted item that no one’s gonna remember 6 months from now but will make repeat appearances on the credit card bill for the next 4 years. Stop the madness!

What had you scratchin’ your head this week?