In high school, my favorite part of writing was actually the preparation part. I enjoyed the process of arranging my pens ~ Pilot Precise V~5, thankyouverymuch ~ on my bed, I used to create a little nest out of the blanket so my pens wouldn’t roll around. Yes, I was that much of a nerd. I’d take the sheets of notebook paper (college ruled only) and stack them neatly on the corner of my book, tilted at just the right angle… I always wrote my letters while stretched out on the bed, music pumping through the headphones of my walkman.
I also enjoyed the research part of writing. As a college student, nothing thrilled me more than picking an obscure topic to research and then going to the library to look up it up. There was something about cracking open a book that would send a tingle down my spine. And don’t get me started on visiting an archives or historical society, I always felt like I was on the verge of discovering something new.
Now that I’m ahem older and technology has changed a “bit”, my writing routine has changed. Nowadays, I use Vivi, my Vivienne Tam Notebook, but I do keep a stash of Pilot Precise V~5 pens on deck. And I no longer stretch out on the bed (my back can no longer handle that position for an extended period of time). But I do still get a thrill out of looking up information and doing research.
I think that’s why I enjoyed being a librarian so much. I loved the research, honestly, it was like being paid to go on scavenger hunts. So, yeah, my favorite part about writing would have to be:
1. preparation
2. research
And, well, I do enjoy reading over the final product.
What about you? What’s your favorite part about writing?
Today’s post was written in response to the writing prompt for National Blog Posting Month. For more information, go here.