Today the hubs is officially a manager at Proctor & Gamble. And the kids and I couldn’t be prouder of him and his accomplishments.
When the hubs and I got out of the Army 15 years ago, we didn’t know what we were going to do or how we were going to support ourselves, the only thing we knew was that our family had to stay together. We decided to move to the hub’s hometown in Pennsylvania. He’ll dispute this factoid but our intended term was for a period of no more than 5 years; we’ve been here for 15 years…
At the time, I was pregnant with baby number 4. We also had 11~month~old twins as well a 2~year~old at home, so working outside of the home was not in the cards for me. The hubs suggested that I go back to school and finish my degree, which I did ~ I ended up getting my master’s in American History and Library and Information Science. The hubs, on the other hand, took jobs whenever and wherever he could. I remember watching him work on the icy roof of a home in the winter and thinking Please God, do not let me become a widow…
God answered my prayers and the hubs was hired at P&G on 6 January 1997 (our 4th child was born a day later). From the moment he was hired, the hubs started setting goals. He’s always been that way, making lists of things he wants to accomplish, creating 5~year, 10~year and 15~year plans. His early goals were to get promoted rapidly through the technician ranks and he did. He became the first black Tech 5 and Tech 6 at the Mehoopany plant in its 45 year history. Tech 6 is the highest level you can reach at the plant unless you’re a manager.
Almost immediately, the hubs set his sights on becoming a manager. He learned the various jobs assigned to him, accepted every task (big and small that was handed to him, even the ones that caused me him to lose sleep at night) and allowed nothing to deter him from his goal. So after 14½ years of hard work, dedication, frustration, excitement and a whole host of other emotions, the hubs has realized his dream. He has joined the ranks of a select few and is officially a tech to manager promotee effective today.
As part of the promotion, the family and I will be relocating to Missouri where the hubs will begin a new phase in his career with P&G.
Although we don’t say it often, we want you to know that we not only recognize all of your dedication and hard work but we acknowledge the sacrifices you made to support us. Congratulations on your promotion to manager, Tony! The kids and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.