You Have Cancer {Repost}

September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s my story: A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer today. I listened to her cry on the phone. Wishing I could reach across the miles and hold her hand. Hug her. Physically be there with her. Let her know that I understand. I’ve been there. She’s…

I’m a #SweatPink Ambassador

Most of you know that I’ve been struggling with my weight for years. It goes up. It comes down for about a day or so and then it goes up again. Fighting my weight made me miserable. Getting healthy made me happy. It took awhile, but I had to learn the difference. Right now, my…

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Fit Approach and Lorna Jane

18 August: Show us how you are practicing #activeliving today This is how I live active: breathe. Deeply. 19 August: #ActiveLiving is for life! What part of the future are you most excited for?! I’m most excited about the future with The Hubs. We plan to hook an Airstream up to the hitch on the…

#ActiveLivingChallenge with Fit Approach and Lorna Jane

11 August: Favorite superfood Nuts. Except for Brazil Nuts. Seriously, why? 12 August: Do something new Treadmills CAN work the entire body. 13 August: How do you practice #activeliving every day? True story. 14 August: Post a picture of your daily inspiration to #movenourishbelieve My family. there was a wasp… 15 August: Share your favorite…

Color Burst

  Well, hello there! I hope your week has been fabulous so far. Mine has been great. I’m two days in to a seven day running streak, so yay! My muscles are sore but my mind and spirit are clear. And can you see the muscle definition forming in the front of my legs? I’ve…

Book Review: Girl at the End of the World by Elizabeth Esther

BOOK DESCRIPTION {FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK} A story of mind control, the Apocalypse, and modest attire. Elizabeth Esther grew up in love with Jesus but in fear of daily spankings {to “break her will”}. Trained in her family~run church to confess sins real and imagined, she knew her parents loved her and God…

A Letter to Miss 18 on Your Graduation

Munro. I’ve stopped and started writing this so many times that I’ve lost count… I don’t have the words to express the love, pride, and gratitude that I’m feeling right now. You have overcome so much and demonstrated a strength and grace under pressure that can only be attributed to the mercy of God. I…

2014 Daily Selfie: Week 1 {In the Dark Room}

Hi there! How was your weekend? Ours was nice, I’ll be it incredibly cold! Check out the picture I posted here. I spent most of the weekend hunkered under a blanket with a cup of coffee, natch. I watched a lot of TV and started reading a very intense book by Beth Moore called When…

Coffee Talk: Parents, Protect Your Children {In the Cafe}

Hi, and welcome to Coffee Talk. In case you’re new here, this is where I share some of the great and not~so~great stuff that I find on the web. Topics range from news stories that leave me scratchin’ my head to DIYs that I think are absolutely clever. And, who knows, there may even be…

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013! I’m so excited about the possibilities that come with a new year. It’s almost like life is giving us some sort of cosmic do over. And boy do I need it! I missed some of my goals for last year but I’m pressing forward and not dwelling on the past. I hope that…