Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013! I’m so excited about the possibilities that come with a new year. It’s almost like life is giving us some sort of cosmic do over. And boy do I need it! I missed some of my goals for last year but I’m pressing forward and not dwelling on the past. I hope that…

SOAP: We Were Created in His Image {#B90Days}

SCRIPTURE Genesis 1:27 (NIV) So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. OBSERVATION Throughout the whole story of creation, God speaks things into existence, he says “Let there be light” and there is light (Genesis 1:14) and he tells the land…

Marriage {Bible Reading Plan Day 1}

SCRIPTURE Genesis 2:18 {NIV} And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. OBSERVATION Two things stick out for me from this scripture: “…It is not good that the man should be alone;” ~ God knew that man needed someone…

Tag! I’m It

Remember when you were a kid and you used to play “Tag”? So. Much. Fun. Well, now I’m playing the grown~up bloggy version of “Tag”. Someone tags you and then you have to answer a series of questions and then tag other folks. Unlike in elementary school, I’ve been tagged by two people: Lisa from…

Me, a Biblical Fitness Guru? Whatchoo Talking ‘Bout?

My pastor is sneaky. Ever since we started attending this church, he’s been trying to figure out a way to get me involved. With people. Talking to them. Sharing with them. Just doing something. And each time he’s given me a task, I’ve politely declined. Not because I’m hard headed or anything but because I…

Posts {The Best of 2011}

Last year, I wrote a post called 2010: The Best of Living Outside the Stacks, where I went back over the year and picked out my favorite posts from the year and I thought I’d do it again this year. It’s a fun way to look back and see how much life has changed over…

ABCs of Me

Google Friend Connect is disappearing soon, but I’d love for us to stay together. You can read my blog in your favorite reader through my RSS feed, join the conversation on Facebook or chat with me on Twitter. Make sure you give a shout out and let me know you’re there! Y’all know I love…

No Cell Phones in Hospitals, Or How the Hubs Almost Killed Me

The hubs will tell anyone who asks that he prayed that God would send someone like me into his life. He will also tell them that he should have been a little more specific in his request, you know other than “Please let her be smart and pretty enough that I don’t have to close…

Things Happened While I Was Disconnected

So much has happened in the last week and a half that I’ve been disconnected.  Most of it’s been good, some of it’s been bad and the rest has been seriously?  I had planned to write out a post for each and every thing that happened but decided against it.  You know, for my own…

Wordless Wednesday: Sitting On the Dock of the Bay

Frances Slocum State Park Dallas, PA I have no idea who those people are in the picture, but I hope they don’t mind that they’re in the shot… For more Wordless Wednesday, check out: Angry Julie Monday Better in Bulk Girl Talk The Mahogany Way Mom Start Resourceful Mommy Slice O’ Heaven Don’t forget to…