Hi, everyone! I hope you’ve had a pleasant week. Things have been going really well over here. So many exciting things are happening: I was selected to be one of 50 female bloggers to join Team #Cinchspiration in a weight loss blogging program (you can read about that here). I’m going to need lots of cheerleaders, so please join me on Facebook, Pinterest and/or Twitter.
Today the hubs and I went RV hunting. This has been a long time dream of his. I, on the other hand, have been horrified at the idea of peeing in the back of a bus. That is until he took me to the RV park today. Whoa…
I was expecting something close to a tent on wheels, not a mobile home.
The kitchens are fully functional, some of them even had nice fixtures like you’d find in a real live actual honest to goodness house.
The hubs fell head over heels for one that had a “back porch”. Yes, you read it right, a back porch. Wait, let me correct that, a screened in back porch with rocking chairs. There are remotes that raise and lower two bunk beds. There’s a television on the OUTSIDE of the camper so you can sit outside and watch the game. How crazy cool is that? Totally and completely unnecessary but incredibly cool.
After a little over an hour of walking around and checking out the various interiors, I can finally understand my husband’s dream and I am so there. By the end of our hunt, I’d mentally mapped out all of the places I’d like for us to go. Hopefully, we’ll be in a position to hit the open road next summer.
Where did your shoes take you this week?
To participate in Shoe Style Saturday, all you have to do is:
- take a picture of your shoes
- post them to your blog, flickr or tumblr
- if you post to Twitter or Instagram, use the hashtag #ShoeStyleSat
- leave a comment below letting me know you’re linking up
- visit other participants and leave some comment love
So, come on and show me your femme fatale flats, those sexy stilettos and pin~up peep toes, yes, even your racy runners.