Shoe Style Saturday

I didn’t really do much this week… The hubs got his car back, so we are once again a two car family. Happiness. I think we were both driving each other nuts. I know there are families who share a car and it works for them but I’ve had my own car since I was 20, this was hard.

Yesterday, I finally got to see a Keurig in action. A friend of mine invited me to her house for coffee and a movie, and she used her Keurig. OK, that thing is quick! And the coffee was delish. I had a flavor called “The Donut Shop”, which I sweetened with brown sugar (That’s how she sweetens her coffee, and I have to say, I think I like that better than the white sugar. The difference is subtle but I like it.). I think I’ll be looking to replace my coffee maker with the Keurig when the time comes.

Anyway, we watched The Help. I read the book when it first came out and this is the first time that I can say that a movie stuck so close to the book. And the funny part is that the movie matched what I was seeing in my head as I read the book. Also I now know why Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer received so much acclaim ~ they owned those roles. Such a good movie.

Where did your shoes take you this week?

To participate in Shoe Style Saturday, all you have to do is

  • take a picture of your shoes
  • post them to your blog, flickr or tumblr
  • leave a comment below letting me know you’re linking up
  • visit other participants and leave some comment love

So, come on and show me your femme fatale flats, those sexy stilettos and pin~up peep toes, yes, even your racy runners.