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It feels weird to say “I’m a cancer survivor”. Sorta surreal, it’s like saying “I walked on the moon.” Except that it’s something that I really did.

I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer after feeling “off” for several years. You can read the story by going here. As a result of the cancer, my hair became dry and brittle and started coming out so much that I finally went to a hair salon and had it all shaved off. When my little sister found out what I’d done, she called and offered to have her hair cut and made into a wig for me. That was, perhaps, one of the most generous and selfless things that anyone had ever offered to do for me. I declined but I was touched all the same.

Today I found out that Chantelle from fat mum slim and Christina from Hair Romance have teamed up with Pantene for The Hair Photo~a~Day Project to raise awareness for the first ever National Donate Your Hair Day on 27 April {hosted by Pantene and Seventeen}, which will benefit the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.

The Pantene Beautiful Lengths program takes donated hair and creates wigs for female cancer patients. Fist bump to them for such a creating such a worthy cause. I don’t have enough hair to donate but I can help raise awareness, that’s why I’m participating in The Hair Photo~A~Day Project. I’ll be posting my submissions on Flickr and Instagram. Feel free to check them out.

Have you ever donated your hair?