Banned Books Week Review and Giveaway: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee {CLOSED}

I firmly believe in the right to free access to information. There are many books that I simply will not read for religious and/or personal reasons but I do not believe I have the right to ban those books from being read. If I censor your speech and your ideas, it’s just a matter of…

The Darkest Child: A Novel by Delores Phillips {Book Review}

BOOK DESCRIPTION {FROM THE BOOK} Rozelle Quinn is so fair~skinned that she can pass for white. Yet everyone in her small Georgia town knows. Rozelle’s ten children {by ten different daddies} are mostly light too. They sleep on the floor in her drafty, rickety three~room shack and live in fear of her moods and temper.…

The Weird Sisters: A Novel By Eleanor Brown {Book Review}

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) Three sisters have returned to their childhood home, reuniting the eccentric Andreas family. Here, books are a passion (there is no problem a library card can’t solve) and TV is something other people watch. Their father ~ a professor of Shakespeare who speaks almost exclusively in verse…

A Secret Kept A Novel by Tatiana de Rosnay {Book Review}

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BOOK)  This stunning new novel from Tatiana de Rosnay, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Sarah’s Key, plumbs the depths of complex family relationships and the power of past secret to change everything in the present. It all began with a simple seaside vacation, a brother and sister recapturing…

Book Tour: Merry Christmas Stories by Jeff R. Spalsbury

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) These 25 short stories for the Christmas season will make you laugh, smile and just feel good about this magical time of year. These delightful stories, written in a variety of genre, all reflect Christmas love, hope, and charity. Detective Nick Tracer just wants to get drunk…

Book Tour: Before Versailles: A Novel of Louis XIV by Karleen Koen

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) Louis XIV is one of the best~known monarchs ever to grace the French throne.  But what was he like as a young man ~ the man before Versailles? After the death of his prime minister, Cardinal Mazarin, twenty-two-year-old Louis steps into governing France. He’s still a young…

Book Review: Jolt!: Get the Jump on a World that’s Constantly Changing by Phil Cooke

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) In Jolt! television producer, social media guru, and cultural commentator Phil Cooke helps you discover how you can navigate today’s culture of disruption and actually use it to your advantage.  You’ll learn that changing a company and changing your life are based on virtually the same key…

Classic Book Review: Peyton Place by Grace Metalious

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) When it first appeared in 1956, Grace Metalious’s Peyton Place unbuttoned the straitlaced New England of the popular imagination, transformed the publishing industry, and made its young author one of the most talked about people in America.  Metalious’s debut novel ~ which topped the best seller lists…

Book Review: Judgment Day: A Novel by Wanda L. Dyson

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) The weekly cable news show Judgment Day with Suzanne Kidwell promises to expose businessmen, religious leaders, and politicians for the lies they tell.  Suzanne positions herself as a champion of ethics and morality with a backbone of steel ~ until a revelation of her shoddy investigation tactics…

Book Review: The Global~Warming Deception: How a Secret Elite Plans to Bankrupt America and Steal Your Freedom by Grant R. Jeffrey

BOOK DESCRIPTION (FROM THE BACK OF THE BOOK) The worldwide effort to combat manmade global warming is history’s most far~reaching hoax.  In The Global~Warming Deception, Grant R. Jeffrey documents the orchestrated campaign of political pressure, flawed science, and falsified data ~ all orchestrated to sell an environmental lie and bring the West to its knees.…