Funny story: my blogging buddies had a whole email chain about how we’re last minute bloggers but we were going to make deadline because *dang it* that’s what we do annnnnnd I didn’t. Not because I’m a slacker but because I’m a slacker. Haha I sat down at this computer six different times last night and every single time, I got up and got distracted by random shiny object until this morning when I audibly groaned and said “I’ve done it again. I’ve missed the deadline.”
Y’all, I’m not like this IRL. I’m a stickler for deadlines. I’m the person who shows up to meetings 15 minutes early and gets hostile when the host says “We’re gonna give everyone a few more minutes to arrive.” Noooooo, they should’ve arrived on time. Like I did. Start the meeting now.
Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Over the next few months, we’ll share about our work spaces, home towns, and more!
I should note – because this is super important – the creative brain behind this project is Bettye at Fashion Schlub! Love her!
The Celebrity Bloggers
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Iris at Iris’s Original Ramblings
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!
When I first started blogging a million years ago, it was to keep family and friends informed about our move from Pennsylvania to Missouri. At the time, The Hubs was working for Proctor & Gamble and they were transferring us and it was really just an exciting time for us. The kids had never been on a plane and they’d spent most of their lives in Pennsylvania. I thought a blog would be a fun way to document the changes in our lives and provide something that we could look back on later down the road. Not gonna lie. I don’t think any of us have read those posts since I initially wrote them. In fact, I may have lost a lot of those posts during various blog migrations…
As my children got older and lost interest in being the subject of my blog posts, I had to find other things to write about. That’s when I discovered blogging loops and linkups. You know, someone would provide a group of bloggers with a series of questions or a theme and we’d all write about it and linkup on the main blog. Those were fun and provided an opportunity to get to know new people and find new blogs of interest. This series kind of reminds me of those days. The fun days of blogging.
Gradually, the people I used to link up with either stopped blogging or their interests changed and we sort of parted ways {nothing dramatic, we just stopped visiting each other’s blogs}. Then I started blogging about clothes. I really really love clothes. In fact, I was a big participant in the What I Wore Wednesday blogging circles. I joined a number of themed clothing groups and really enjoyed it until…
Then just about every blog started to read like an advertisement. I love that people are able to make money from their blogs or that they receive products for reviews. In fact, I love it because I’m one of those folks who relies on reviews when I’m making purchases, but I don’t want everything to read like an ad. I know, now I’m policing other people’s blogs. *sigh*
Now I just write about whatever interests me at the moment. I’ve written book reviews, shared recipes, posted my photography, and talked about my favorite podcasts… Honestly, I’m pretty random. Like I am in real life.
Are you a blogger? What inspires you? If you’re not a blogger, what keeps you coming back to your favorite blogs?
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you like what you read, please consider sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share on Pinterest. While I pay for many of the items I share on this blog out of my own pocket, some items are gifted to me {I always disclose those items}.
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