The focus of this week’s Advent study is HOPE. Hope means to anticipate or expect with confidence. SCRIPTURE Jeremiah 33:15 In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land. OBSERVATION God promises His people that after their…
Hope {Advent Bible Study}
The focus of this week’s Advent study is HOPE. Hope means to anticipate or expect with confidence. SCRIPTURE John 1:12 {KJV} But as many as received him, to them gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: OBSERVATION There are many who reject Jesus and His claims, but…
Hope {Advent Bible Study}
The focus of this week’s Advent study is HOPE. Hope means to anticipate or expect with confidence. SCRIPTURE John 1:4 {KJV} In him was life; and the life was the light of men. OBSERVATION Jesus is life and light; without Him, there is only death and darkness. APPLICATION I’m a news junkie. I watch the…
Preparing for Christmas {Advent Bible Study}
Last week, I briefly talked about how God has been dealing with me about the ways I’ve been using social media for His glory. Specifically, the fact that I haven’t been. I’ve been using my spaces on the web to talk about style, food, photography and all sorts of other things… There’s nothing wrong with…
November Photo A Day {Instagram}
Time for another week in review, Instagram style. I’m so enjoying this Photo A Day Challenge, it’s fun to look back over the week and see all that’s happened. The prompts may seem random but it really requires a bit of creativity to capture memories… Day 18: happened this weekend The hubs made dinner for…
Things That Leave Me Scratchin’ My Head {Coffee Talk}
I hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving. We hosted my parents, my twin sister and her family at our home this year. The dinner was incredible, if I don’t say so myself. I was pretty proud of myself. But we did learn something… I either need a bigger oven or a double oven. It was…
November Photo A Day {Instagram}
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and I’m sitting here watching a documentary about Abraham Lincoln. He’s such an interesting character. I’d really like to go see the movie that’s come out but I know that’s one I’d have to see alone. If I asked the hubs to go, he’d say: “That’s not my thing.” Sometimes…
Things That Leave Me Scratchin’ My Head {Coffee Talk}
1. I guess judges are getting tired of people doing dumb stuff and making taxpayers for their stupidity, so they’re finding creative ways to punish them. A Cleveland Municipal judge ordered a woman to stand at an intersection holding a sign that read: “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school…
Banana Bread with Cranberry Trail Mix Crust {On the Table}
My kids love bananas. In fact, they love them so much that bananas rarely last long enough for me to make banana bread. So on those rare occasions when the bananas do start to get overly ripe, I jump at the chance to put some bread in the oven. Only this time I didn’t have…
November Photo A Day {Instagram}
It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting here reviewing last week’s pictures from Fat Mum Slim’s Photo A Day Challenge. My inner critic is wishing that I’d been a bit more creative with the prompts but the quitter in me is celebrating the fact that I have 10 pictures posted. one of my favorite…