The hubs and I have been eating a pretty much vegetarian meal for the last week and can I tell you how good we feel? Leading up to the week, the hubs was grumbling about the prospect of giving up his beloved steaks and I was dreading giving up coffee. And there were the haunting memories of my last vegan experience when I wanted to eat my children because I was so starved for meat. But this time it was easier.

Anyway, during the course of the week, the hubs and I have discovered some recipes that we really enjoy, so I decided to share them with you. I don’t think we’ll go completely vegetarian ’cause goodness knows I want to inhale a ginormous hamburger right now but I know we will incorporate some of the recipes and foods that we’ve tried into our regular diets.


Fresh Brussels Sprouts {halvedas many as you need}

Yellow Squash {thinly slicedI have a large family, so I used two}

1 White Onion {chopped; I like onions so I used a whole one, you can adjust as needed}

1 Box Whole Wheat Pasta {I used Rotini, you want something with some heft“}

1 TBS Olive Oil

Sea Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper {you can use regular table salt & pepper, I just think these are more flavorful}


  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook pasta according to package directions. You want to cook them al denté.
  2. Put a sauce pan on medium high heat and sauteé onions until fragrant and translucent. Add brussels sprouts and sauteé until soft and leaves turn a golden brown. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add yellow squash and cook until middle is translucent. Remember to scrape the bottom of the pan and get all that good stuff up. Add more olive oil if needed so you veggies don’t stick to the pan.
  3. Drain the pasta, reserving about half a cup of the water. Return pasta to the pot and add in your veggies. Stir in about 1/4 cup of the reserved water, toss and let sit for about 10 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

If you decide to give this recipe a try, let me know how you like it.