Five Tips for Updating Your Profile Picture {Tip Tuesday}

What is it about Autumn that makes people think pumpkins belong in everything? It does not. Pumpkins are good for three things: decorating, making pies, and describing a shade of orange. That is all. deep cleansing breath I have issues with pumpkin mania but that has absolutely nothing to do with this post except that…

31 Days 31 Photos 31 Stories {In the Dark Room}

I’ve decided to join my friend, Beatrice Clay, for a photography challenge called “31 Days 31 Photos 31 Stories: My Favorite Things“. Each day, she provides a prompt and we interpret it however we wish. The catch is that we must tell a story in six words with each photograph. Fun, right? 8. Recent Purchase…

31 Days 31 Photos 31 Stories {In the Dark Room}

I’ve decided to join my friend, Beatrice Clay, for a photography challenge called “31 Days 31 Photos 31 Stories: My Favorite Things“. Each day, she provides a prompt and we interpret it however we wish. The catch is that we must tell a story in six words with each photograph. Fun, right? 1. Self Portrait…

July Photo A Day Challenge {In the Dark Room}

  It’s been a hot minute since I’ve participated in the Photo A Day Challenge hosted by Fat Mum Slim. I think I’ve been so focused on running and training for my 5K that I’ve forgotten to just enjoy taking photos, I hope this will get me back in the groove. As usual, I’ll be participating…

That Coffee Life {In the Dark Room}

When I was a little girl, my father used to drink his coffee from a beautiful brown mug that had a whistle on the handle. We were never allowed to touch his mug, except on the occasions when he’d turn the handle so we could blow the whistle. I’m not sure why but this was…