Ageless Style Linkup: Green is a Neutral

This post uses affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of those links, I’ll receive a commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you in advance for your support. THE AGELESS STYLE LINKUP Hi, welcome to the Ageless Style Linkup. The linkup runs the first Tuesday of each month and features 10 women over the…

Fab Forties: Lord Animal and Lady Neon

The Fab Forties is a group of five style bloggers from around the globe who come together once a month to share their common love of fashion. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger, who is also in her forties, to join us. The group’s goal is to take on…

Style Imitating Art: Ali Ibn Hamzeh Shrine in Shiraz, Iran

Hi, how was your weekend? Ours was OK. We didn’t do too much. A bit of grocery shopping, that’s about it. It’s been rainy and cold here, so we didn’t really feel like going anywhere. I can’t wait for Spring to arrive. I don’t mind the rain, I do mind the cold AND the rain…

Style Imitating Art Inspiration: Ali Ibn Hamzeh Shrine in Shiraz, Iran

ABOUT STYLE IMITATING ART Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. My main tip for participating is not to just look at the colors but look at the textures, think about complimentary colors, etc. In other words, you don’t have to be literal your interpretation. It’s all about looking…

Black Cardigan, Gray Lace Hemmed Tunic, Black Skinny Pants, and Funky Clogs

This post uses affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of those links, I’ll receive a commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you in advance for your support. Hi. I hope you’ve had a great week so far. Things have been OK on my side. Not gonna lie, I’m so over this…

Style Imitating Art: The End of Romance by Erte

Hi and welcome to another round of Style Imitating Art. Have you guys been experiencing the bizarre warm-cold-warm-cold weather like us? Honestly, there were a couple of days where I wanted to pack my bags and move to the actual equator. And a few where I was like ahhhh, Louisiana, this is why I love…

Ageless Style Linkup: Puffer Vest

This post uses affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of those links, I’ll receive a commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you in advance for your support. THE AGELESS STYLE LINKUP Hi, welcome to the Ageless Style Linkup. The linkup runs the first Tuesday of each month and features 10 women over the…

Style Imitating Art Inspiration: The End of Romance by Erte

ABOUT STYLE IMITATING ART Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. My main tip for participating is not to just look at the colors but look at the textures, think about complimentary colors, etc. In other words, you don’t have to be literal your interpretation. It’s all about looking…

Pinterest Inspiration: Mulberry Cardigan, Black Tee, and Dark Denim

This post uses affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of those links, I’ll receive a commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you in advance for your support. Do you ever get up in the morning, look in your closet and think, I have nothing to wear? Or do you feel totally…