Week 19: Motherhood {#OurProject52}

Motherhood. I never knew that I could be so very brave and so very afraid all at the same time. Raising children is not for the weak, man. For nine months, you’re walking around with this person inside of you, feeling everything you feel (and causing you to feel some of those feels) and then…

{Audiobook Review} Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support Thank you to…

10 on the 10th: February 2023

As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support. Hey, y’all, hey.…

Where Bloggers Live: Top 5 Movies

The Hubs and I had guests this weekend. Friends of ours from Pennsylvania drove down to pick up our RV and take it back to Pennsylvania with them. They’re planning to use it as a guest house on their land. I mean, they also plan to go RVing, but they want it for when friends…

Tag! I’m It

Remember when you were a kid and you used to play “Tag”? So. Much. Fun. Well, now I’m playing the grown~up bloggy version of “Tag”. Someone tags you and then you have to answer a series of questions and then tag other folks. Unlike in elementary school, I’ve been tagged by two people: Lisa from…

Loose Threads and Random Thoughts

I promise I haven’t given up writing for capturing souls with that magic box, it’s just that I’ve been busy taxiing kids, touring Missouri and trying to keep all the other knives that I juggle up in the air.  Really, motherhood is not easy. 1.  I’ve been in Missouri since Thursday ~ flew in first…

Advice for Miss 17 Upon Her Graduation

For 17 years, you’ve listened to my “Dos” and “Don’ts”.  You’ve shrugged me off at times and, at others, you’ve nodded and agreed.   I’ve shared my struggles of single motherhood with you.  Walking miles in the hot Louisiana sun because I didn’t have a car or the money for a taxi, just to get…

I’ve Received the Versatile Blogger Award

Blushes furiously… Wow, you know, to be recognized once or twice by your peers is a compliment but to be recognized a third time?  I stutter.  Words fail me.  Probably not a good thing for a blog, where I’m supposed to, you know, write.  So what I’m blathering on about?  Aimee at girl talk has…

I’m Guest Posting at the mahogany way birth cafe

Almost 16 years ago, I traded in my sporty little white Ford Escort GT for a mini van.  Not a “swagga wagon” but a big teal green got a pack of screaming kids in the back and gooey stuff between the seats mini van.  I was twenty~two years old and in no way prepared for…

Product Review: Adoption Mama T~Shirts

Ok, for the most part, I’m not one of those people who clicks on the ads that flash in my sidebar when I’m perusing my hotmail.  Yep, I still have a hotmail account, it’s one of those things that I keep for sentimental reasons.  But, in my defense, I do have several gmail accounts (so…