As the blogger and photographer behind Living Outside the Stacks, I independently select and write about stuff I love and things I think you’ll enjoy too. Living Outside the Stacks has affiliate and advertising partnerships so I get revenue from sharing this content and from your purchase. Thank you for your support.
Hey, y’all, hey. As always, I’m late with the post. No reason, no excuses. I think this is just who I am now.
How are things in your world? It’s been cold and rainy here for days. We had two really nice days, but, for the most part, the rain and cold has been nonstop. I’m so over it. I’ve said many times that I am not a cold weather person. And I’m certainly not a wet and cold weather person. My favorite weather is sweater weather. I want to be able to wear a sweater and take it off if I want, without shivering. But it’s February and it’s still winter so…
Let’s get to it.
10 on the 10th is hosted by Marsha at Marsha in the Middle. In the tradition of old school blogging, she’ll share a list of ten questions or prompts to help us get to know each other better. The linkup goes live on the tenth of the month.
THE PROMPT: The Love/Hate Edition
- Tell us about a color you love to wear. Now, tell us about a color you wouldn’t wear for a million dollars!
My favorite color is purple, but not just any shade of purple. A very specific shade of purple. It has more red than blue. Almost a plum but not that deep. That being said, I almost never wear purple. I’ve always thought that I tended more towards neutrals, but looking at my closet, this girl loooooves color. If I had to pick a favorite color to wear, it’d be animal print. Yes, animal print is a color. It’s the perfect neutral, it goes with everything, and it makes a statement.The one color that I absolutely hate to wear is white. I just don’t look good at all in that color., it washes me out. I also have to be careful about yellows. I’m yellow-skinned so the wrong shade can make me look ill. - Share a food you loved when you were a kid, but now you wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole!
Hmmmm, I don’t have answer to this one. My mom used to make Hamburger Helper a lot when I was a kid, I hated it then and I hate it now. Oddly enough, it’s one of The Hubs favorite things to eat. I don’t make it often, but when I do, I find something else to eat. - Is there something you loved to wear once upon a time, but now you wouldn’t wear it to your worst enemy’s wedding?I was a leg warmers girl. I loved, loved, loved leg warmers. I was neither a ballet dancer or a graceful walker. I just loved the look. I still wear socks with boots and dresses/skirts, so it’s sort of an homage to my FLASHDANCE days.Oh, wait, I have another one…
When I was about 14 or 15, I saved up my allowance and bought a quilted top and pants set in baby pink. I wore it with a white button down {maybe that’s where my dislike for white comes from?} and these white leather cut-out brogues that I also saved my allowance for. I was living in Italy at the time and that is what I chose to spend my money on. *sigh* I would, however, save all the money to buy those shoes again because they were pretty sweet. I would not wear the pink outfit again. Did I mention that I scoured the stores for months for a matching hat? I did.
- Spill the tea! What is the flower you want your significant other to buy you? What flower had better never grace your doorstep?
The Hubs has terrible allergies, so I’m ok with not getting flowers. I do still have a favorite flower though. Magnolias. They bring back good memories of when I lived in New Orleans. - When you were a kid, was there a food you absolutely detested, but, now, you just can’t get enough of it?So, when I was kid, my dad and I would have epic battles over Brussels Sprouts. My dad was a chef, but he did not make Brussels Sprouts like the do now. There wasn’t the roasting, the sauces, the bacon, the peppers. It was just boil until mushy, add salt and pepper, then serve. Ewwww Now I’m totally addicted to Outback’s Over-the-Top Brussels Sprouts. They’re roasted Sprouts topped with bacon, Fresno chili, and parsley, with a drizzle of lemon aioli. So good.
- Share a book you love, reread, or tell others about it. Now, let’s hear about a book you wish had never been written!Everyone summer, I reread VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. It’s my no need to think, read on autopilot novel. It’s a pulpy, chick lit novel about three friends: Anne, Neely, and Jennifer, and their struggle to make it to the top of the entertainment industry. The novel covers topics such as sexism, drug use, motherhood, and more. I originally read it for an English lit class in college, I was writing a paper about women and pop culture in post-war America. But, I recently discovered Ann Petry and am now adding THE STREET to my summer rotation. This is the story of Lutie Johnson, a single mom, and the difficulties she and her son face in 1940’s Harlem. Racism, sexism, and classism are among the many themes permeating this story. Additionally, this is the first novel by an African American woman to sell more than a million copies. My DEI book group at work just finished THE VANISHING HALF by Brit Bennett and, y’all, I cannot recommend that book highly enough, especially if you’re in to split historical fiction. THE BOOK OF LOST FRIENDS: A NOVEL by Lisa Wingate is also a good read. Stay tuned for reviews of the last three books in coming weeks.There isn’t a book that I wish hadn’t been written. There are a lot of opinions, beliefs, thoughts, etc. that I don’t agree with, but I simply choose not to read those books.
- Tell us about something your significant other does that makes you go, “Awww…” But, what does he/she/they do that drives you up the wall?I hate pumping gas. There’ve been times when I’ve almost had to push my car to the nearest gas station because I just hate the idea so much. There isn’t a real reason. The smell doesn’t bother me. It’s just an annoying thing that needs to be done. But when I go out and find that there’s gas in my car, I’m like “awww, he gets me.”Folded dirty clothes on the lid of the laundry basket. Folded dirty clothes on the edge of the laundry basket. PUT YOUR DIRTY CLOTHES IN THE LAUNDRY BASKET. It’s literally one extra step. Replace the folding with the tossing and it’s done.
- Time to spill the tea again! What piece of clothing do you love and cherish? What piece of clothing will never ever be in your wardrobe again?All of my vintage/thrifted pieces hold a special place in my heart because they can’t be replaced. I don’t like to see myself coming and going, so I rarely buy clothes from box stores, so, yeah, those pieces are my heart.Other than the aforementioned quilted pink set, there’s nothing I wouldn’t have in my wardrobe. I’m pretty flexible when it comes to clothes.
- Share the holiday you would celebrate often, even every day if you could! Which holiday would you never celebrate again if you had the choice?I’m not really a holiday person, so I’m ambivalent about this one…
- Tell us about the modern technological device you’d fight your sister for. But, which device would you toss out the window happily?My sister is not a tech person at all, so she’d give me whatever I wanted. She uses her cell phone to track her kids and keep in touch with me and that’s about it. I use my cell for just about everything. And, since I manage the college’s social media, I kinda need my phone for my job. I hate printers and copiers. I’m a librarian and I spend about 95% of my time fixing jams. Same goes for staplers {do those count as tech?}.
I’d love to read your answers to a couple of these questions, please share in the comments below.
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Come back soon,
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