His Works are Wondrous {Photography}

I’m fascinated by the sky. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, I’m always looking up at the sun, the clouds, the stars, the lightning, everything… It just amazes me that each and every day, from moment to moment really, that things can just look so different. God is an incredible artist, His…

Random Stuff {This or That Thursday}

The other day I was cleaning up my desktop and found about a million folders marked “New Folder” {Why do I name them that? Can’t I be just a little bit more original? Descriptive even?} and inside of them were a couple hundred unedited photographs. These are just a few of them… These buildings overlook…

He is the Light {Word Filled Wednesday}

Last week, the hubs, Miss 15 and I were driving into town when the hubs pulled over and said “You have got to get a picture of that sky!” It was the most spectacular looking thing we’d seen in just about forever. As I snapped away, I kept telling him, “I can’t quite capture the…

Peacocks. In a Cemetery. Really? {This or That Thursday}

When Miss 15 told me that she’d gone with some friends to visit the peacocks at the Cape County Memorial Park, I was tad skeeved, slightly intrigued and a little bewildered. Peacocks. In a cemetery. Really? Yes, really. Also, I hope y’all are impressed with me right now considering my intense fear of birds. I…

He Gave Me Life {Faith}

Sometimes I think what my mirror sees and what my camera sees are two different people. My reflection is always young and smiling, full of energy and ready to take on the day. My photographic image is about 30 lbs overweight with the slightest hint of crows feet forming in the corners of my eyes.…

My Last Day of Freedom {Family}

Today was the kids’ last day of school. Insert tears here. Today was also my last day of freedom. Insert wailing and moaning here. The kids will be with me every. Single. Day. For the next 3 months… Knowing I was dreading my impending loss of freedom, the hubs took today off and declared it…