July Photo A Day Challenge {In the Dark Room}

  It’s been a hot minute since I’ve participated in the Photo A Day Challenge hosted by Fat Mum Slim. I think I’ve been so focused on running and training for my 5K that I’ve forgotten to just enjoy taking photos, I hope this will get me back in the groove. As usual, I’ll be participating…

That Coffee Life {In the Dark Room}

When I was a little girl, my father used to drink his coffee from a beautiful brown mug that had a whistle on the handle. We were never allowed to touch his mug, except on the occasions when he’d turn the handle so we could blow the whistle. I’m not sure why but this was…

That Coffee Life {In the Dark Room}

On the photo are the names of all the places I’ve lived.  When I was a kid, my dream was to be a foreign correspondent. Or a spy. I wanted to go to war zones and report on humanitarian issues. I imagined myself going into the jungles and interviewing warlords. Just my camera and my…

That Coffee Life {In the Dark Room}

I started drinking coffee when I was about 10 years old. We were living in Italy at the time, and every Sunday after church, there would be a beautiful spread of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and assorted baked goods. I walk beside the table, inhaling deeply, enjoying the various smells, but it was always the…

How to Create a Watermark Using PicMonkey {In the Dark Room}

I’m not a professional photographer, but I play one on my blog. Hahahaha I kill me. The hubs says I’m only funny to myself and the girl I shared a uterus with {that would be my twin sister} but I think I’m hilarious. Anyway, for the longest time, I’ve been “watermarking” my images by typing…

Post~Apocalyptic Bridge {In the Dark Room}

My family and I are big fans of The Walking Dead. I’m not really even certain how this started because, initially, I was totally skeeved by all of the flying brain matter and snot streams now I’m all Team Daryl Dixon. We actually plan family time around this TV show ~ we root for our…