Things I’m Looking Forward to This Fall {About Me}

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it never hurts to say it again, “I love sweater weather!” Fall is by far my favorite season of the year. I love snuggling up with cozy sweaters, eating comfort foods and watching my favorite TV shows. “Hell on Wheels“, anyone? But there are a few other things…

Seventeen Years Ago Today… {Repost for the Birthday of Twin A and Twin B}

I gave birth to Twin A and Twin B, also known as Jazmine and Brandon.  But, really, their story begins nine days earlier….. On 11 September 1995, the hubs and I showed up at the hospital for a routine OB visit.  The baby was due in nine days and, almost overnight it seemed, I had…

Brown Sneakers {Shoe Style Saturday}

Hi! Welcome to my space on the web, I hope you’ll join me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. This picture was taken outside the hotel in Columbia, Missouri where I stayed while at an ebook retreat. The shoes are scuffy ol’ sneaks that I usually only wear when I’m traveling or working around the house. They’re not particularly…