Date Night at the Mississippi River {In the Neighborhood}

When you’re a parent, finding time for a date night can be hard. Sometimes it seems impossible. But, let me tell you, it’s so vitally important that you carve out time for each other. I know a lot of moms put their children first but your marriage should come first and then the kids. Trust me…

Google Reader is Disappearing {In the Cafe}

Ya know, it seems like every time I start using a product or get hooked on a TV show, Jericho, anyone? it gets discontinued and I’m left scrambling to find a replacement… And so it is with my favorite feed reader, Google Reader. Last week’s 365 Project: 2013 Edition theme was “Double Exposure”; this was…

Thursday Likes {In the Cafe}

I thought I’d try something new on Thursdays; instead of just posting a picture and linking to my flickr account, I thought I’d share a couple of things I’ve found while surfing the web. These may be links to products I think are cool, blog posts I find interesting, or outfits I absolutely love… I…

How to Create a Watermark Using PicMonkey {In the Dark Room}

I’m not a professional photographer, but I play one on my blog. Hahahaha I kill me. The hubs says I’m only funny to myself and the girl I shared a uterus with {that would be my twin sister} but I think I’m hilarious. Anyway, for the longest time, I’ve been “watermarking” my images by typing…

Loose Threads and Random Thoughts

Do you like taking pictures?  I’m not talking about just snapping pictures of your kids while they’re little so you can remember how sweet they used to be once they become teens?  I mean, do you carry your camera everywhere you go?  I do.  I love snapping pictures and playing with the various editing tools.…