Annie Laurie’s Antiques {Getting to Know Missouri}

Recently, I attended a presentation called “The Psychology of Now… In Retail and Fashion” by Lynn R. Moore. During the presentation, Lynn talked about current trends in retail and how people have shifted their thought from “I must have new” to “How can I reuse and/or recycle?” She talked about how people are thrifting more,…

Loose Threads and Random Thoughts

Do you like taking pictures?  I’m not talking about just snapping pictures of your kids while they’re little so you can remember how sweet they used to be once they become teens?  I mean, do you carry your camera everywhere you go?  I do.  I love snapping pictures and playing with the various editing tools.…

Congratulations to the Newest P&G Manager {In the Family Room}

Today the hubs is officially a manager at Proctor & Gamble.  And the kids and I couldn’t be prouder of him and his accomplishments. When the hubs and I got out of the Army 15 years ago, we didn’t know what we were going to do or how we were going to support ourselves, the…